Tuesday, August 20, 2013

How To Feed Your Creative Spirit!

Nothing gets the creative juices flowing more quickly than being around creative people.  I belong to a social group of artists who get together occasionally for good food, good conversation, and some free time to work on projects.  We all have our roots in spool knitting and pot holder weaving.  We originally got together as a group of beginning beaders, however most of the group members have gravitated to different handwork.  One is a quilter, two are knitters, one is a wire worker, and while I like everything, I spend most of my time beading.  Each member of the group attends workshops in their various areas and each arrives back with our group eager to share new techniques, new designs and new creations.  One of the regular activities of our group, when we meet, is "show and tell."  From this group I have learned a wealth of interesting artsy techniques, for example, did you know you can dye yarn with Kool-Aid? I should have realized this as my son was growing up!  I have also learned how to knit socks, and I have become fascinated with quilting. As a result, I took a workshop at the Sisters Quilt Festival in Oregon this summer. What a fascinating and wonderful experience; I would highly recommend this festival to anyone who likes sewing crafts.

One of my recent creative project ideas coming from our group was a desire to make a bangle with a quilt-like design.  I used the traditional Flying Geese pattern, and a technique I developed called Quilted Peyote stitch, to come up with the bracelet pictured below made with Delica beads and SWAROVSKI ELEMENTS.
